Thursday, May 7, 2015

Google is shutting down PageSpeed Service, is hosted solution for the optimization of web sites for faster delivery, on August 3. Developers have until then to change your DNS configuration or their sites will not be available. New registrations have already been disabled.


PageSpeed Service, which launched four and a half years ago, applies a series of optimization techniques for a site to get the user faster. This ranges from the compression of images to optimize cache settings, JavaScript and CSS. The service also caches the static assets and the pound of the Google servers throughout the world. In many senses, PageSpeed Service is similar to what makes CloudFlare but without the emphasis on security.

Due to the fact that Google also provides the majority of the characteristics of PageSpeed via a module for the Apache open source, and other tools NGINX web server, developers can continue to use after Google’s own hosted solution shuts down. Many hosting providers are also run PageSpeed module on its servers and Google specifically calls out EdgeCast’s Edge Optimizer as an alternative CDN supported PageSpeed.

So why is search giant shutting this service down? Google says that it has "regretfully decided that the time had come to re-focus their efforts elsewhere and on 5th May announced that PageSpeed Service will be turned down." It is worth noting, however, that CloudFlare has definitely cornered the market and not feel that Google has put much effort in this area over the last year or two.

[Via: Techcrunch]


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